Would you like to support the Sporck Foundation?
Every contribution is very welcome. And your contribution ensures that music sounds! To let as many people as possible enjoy this, we try to keep the entrance fees as low as possible. Of course, we cannot do it with donations alone. We also approach funds to get support.
Do you want to donate as a private individual?
When you donate at least € 25, you become a (girl)friend. As a token of appreciation, we will provide a musical surprise.
You can transfer your donation to IBAN: NL 96 INGB 000 322 7616 (hier de BIC nog invullen), on behalf of Stichting Sporck.
Do you have a business?
Contact us for the possibilities.
Current sponsors
Sporck Foundation thanks: the municipality of Tilburg, Cultuurfonds, Stichting Tivolifonds, Stichting Het Cenakel, Stichting Jacques de Leeuw, Spiegelglasfonds, Boekenschop, Fonds voor Amateurkunst en Podiumkunsten and many private donors.